Tag Archives: togetherness

Eat Together-It Makes A Difference

Eat Together-It Makes A Difference

by: just a mom

A busier than busy friend of mine sent me an email yesterday that I can’t stop thinking about, he said, “Had an absolutely crazy week at work and with the kids, lots of great things happening but what I am most proud of is we actually sat down as a family and had dinner 5 nights this week.” I found this impressive given his schedule and the schedules of his wife and 3 children. But, he recognizes what we all know, eating together matters. According to thefamilydinnerproject.org “Over the past 15 years researchers have confirmed what parents have known for a long time: sharing a family meal is good for the spirit, the brain and the health of all family members. Recent studies link regular family dinners with many behaviors that parents pray for: lower rates of substance abuse, teen pregnancy and depression, as well as higher grade-point averages and self-esteem. Studies also indicate that dinner conversation is a more potent vocabulary-booster than reading, and the stories told around the kitchen table help our children build resilience. The icing on the cake is that regular family meals also lower the rates of obesity and eating disorders in children and adolescents.”

We live in a world today that is moving so quickly. Our children know more at 8 than some of us knew at 18. So, it is more important than ever to stay connected to them. They need to know they have a base, somewhere they can relax, let their guard down and share. This will make them more confident in who they are and ultimately help equip them to go out into the world. So when you are looking at your overwhelming calendar of events for the week, make sure you pencil in a few meals, they will be the most important connections you all make.